Best Practice for Pneumatic Systems
Looking to maximize performance of the entire pneumatic system, minimize maintenance/downtime by extending the life of pneumatic components, or just control the cost to run the compressor? Clean, dry, controllable compressed air is necessary for total pneumatic system efficiency. To maximize performance and extend the life of the components doing the work in a pneumatic system, compressed air preparation at the point of use is a requirement. Basic air preparation equipment, or ‘Air Prep’, will commonly contain a filter, regulator, and possibly a lubricator in a series.
Below explains the features of the CKD filters, regulators, and lubricators for your air preparation.
Air Preparation: Filter
The double-layer element eliminates the need for multiple filters in series, providing large flow, minimal pressure loss, and 3x the life of a standard single-layer element.
The filter should receive the supply air first, then will extract most moisture and air-line contaminants typically down to 5 microns and can get as small as 0.3 microns depending on the type of filter selected.
Compressed air filters require preventative maintenance to ensure optimum efficiency and effective filtering. A compressed air filter will need to be replaced approximately every 4-6 months, depending on use and the condition of the incoming air.
The filter will typically be visible through the bowl or sight glass for convenient self-monitoring. Moisture extracted from the compressed air will collect in the filter bowl. As part of the air preparation routine, this bowl needs to be monitored and drained periodically, either manually or via an optional auto-draining feature. Be sure to properly route the drainage using tubing for proper disposal (and to avoid a mess).
Be sure to also monitor the condition of the bowl. Physical damage or cracking may occur due to an incompatible fluid in the upstream air. In these instances, a metal bowl is the most practical solution. Extreme conditions such as high humidity and rapid temperature changes may mean additional moisture extraction is needed as part of the air preparation process.
Air Preparation: Regulator
Modulates supply pressure fluctuations for precisely controlled downstream pressure. Streamlined embedded gauge standard.
After the filter, a pressure reducing valve, or regulator, will take that clean, dry air and provide a means to control the pressure down-stream. Working a manually controlled regulator may seem a bit counterintuitive. “Closing” the valve by turning it clockwise will actually compress the regulating springs inside the valve and allow greater pressure to pass down-stream.
While a regulator will inherently affect flow in the process, best air preparation practice dictates that a regulator should be used only to regulate downstream pressure. For on/off functionality, or to control the flow of the air in your system, a simple on/off valve and a metering valve (or flow control) are recommended.
Filter Regulator Combo
Combines superior double layer filtering with precise downstream pressure control in one consolidated module when space is at a premium.
A filter/regulator combo unit provides a unitized filter/regulator system as a single unit for space savings without compromising control or filtering.
Large storage capacity and refillable, even under pressure.
Using a lubricator depends on what your system needs downstream. Add a lubricator to the pneumatic system to provide downstream components with a constant supply of oil lubrication by introducing a small amount of oil to the compressed air stream. Lubricators use an adjustable visual indicator to measure the amount of oil downstream and have an oil reservoir bowl that can be visually monitored to ensure constant supply.
Over the past decade, most downstream components such as valves and cylinders have transitioned to use grease lubrication instead of a lubricator, therefore eliminating the need for constant oiling as part of the air preparation routine.
Best Practice Tips for Compressed Air Preparation:
- Do not work on a live pneumatic system. Safety is a necessity. Make sure all of the compressed air potential energy is drained prior to performing any air preparation maintenance. Use a shut-off valve with backflow that exhausts to the atmosphere and proper lock-out/tag-out procedures.
- Visually monitor filter bowls for their condition and water accumulation. Look through the bowl to monitor the condition. Monitor lubricator bowls for a steady supply of oil.
- Develop a preventative maintenance schedule for replacing filters and draining bowls based on specific pneumatic system performance.
- Use a pressure reducing valve or “regulator” for reducing pressure downstream. Resist the temptation to use a regulator as an on/off valve or to control airflow speed.
- Follow the flow arrows. Make sure to install air preparation equipment with the proper airflow orientation. Arrows will be found on each component to signify proper flow direction.