Newall A50, C80, C70, DP700 Troubleshoot
In the machine shop/CNC industry, a digital readout is a numeric display on an integrated keyboard in the means of numeric presentation. The computer within reads signal outputs by linear encoders installed on track machines to keep track and display to a machine operator the position of milling, CNC, lathes, grinding machines, and so on. This allows the operator to work faster and with greater accuracy.
Follow the steps below if you come across any errors within your Newall digital readout and get the correct readings you need to work efficiently.
Nothing happens when the power is turned on (Axis windows are blank)
1. Test the AC input voltage to the external power supply unit using a voltmeter. It should be 100-240VAC.
2. Test the DC output of the external power supply unit with a voltmeter. It should be 15-24VDC.
3. Disconnect the external power supply from the back of the display.
4. Disconnect all reader head cables from the back of the display. A defective reader head could prevent the display from powering up.
5. Reconnect the external power supply to the back of the display.
Inaccuracy In One Axis
1. Get into “Setup mode” and check the following settings:
a.) Linear Compensation - Set to 0 on all axes.
b.) Scale Type / Input Type - Set to read the correct scale type (Spherosyn, Microsyn 5, Microsyn 10).
c.) Radius / Diameter - Diameter will display a 2:1 ratio. The radius will display a 1:1 ratio.
2. Put a dial indicator on the edge of the reader head. Move the axis. Compare the dial indicator reading to the display reading.
3. If there is a discrepancy that exceeds our accuracy specifications, proceed to the next step.
4. Take the reader head cable from the malfunctioning axis and plug it into the other axis of the display (You may need to get into setup mode and ensure that this axis is set up to read the correct type of scale).
5. If the malfunction was corrected when the cable was moved to the other axis, the source of the fault is the display. The display will need repair.
6. If the malfunction followed the cable to the other axis, the source of the fault is the reader head and scale assembly. If this is the case, proceed to the next step.
7. Check for any physical damage to the reader head and cable.
8. Check the reader head for proper alignment. It must be aligned within .002” on each side. Refer to the installation manual for instructions on reader head alignment.
9. Check the scale to make sure there is no binding on the scale. If the scale brackets are slightly loosened, you should be able to slide the scale back and forth through the brackets with minimal resistance.
10. If you have a Spherosyn scale, ensure that the scale is not bent. Remove the scale and roll it on a flat surface. If the scale is bent at all, it will cause inaccuracies. Replace scale if bent.
11. If there is no binding on the scale, the reader head is aligned, and the scale is not bent, the malfunction must be coming from the reader head. Replace the reader head.
Display shows "Signal Fail" or "No Signal" in one axis
1. Disconnect the external power supply from the back of the display.
2. Take the reader head cable from the malfunctioning axis and plug it into the other axis of the display.
3, Reconnect the external power supply to the back of the display.
4. If the scale works properly when connected to the other axis of the display, the source of the fault is the display. The display will need repair. Note: You may need to get into setup mode and adjust the scale type, radius/diameter, and linear compensation (set to 0) parameters to get accurate readings. The main goal in this step is to identify the source of the signal fail / no signal error.
5. If the malfunction followed the scale cable to the other axis of the display, the source of the fault is the reader head. Replace the reader head.
Note: Signal Fail or No Signal errors can NOT be caused by incorrect parameter setting.